maanantai 4. tammikuuta 2016

Blue Dragon ja kliivia ongelmia

Saintpaulia Blue Dragon innostui kukkimaan.

Kliiviani sen sijaan aiheuttaa päänsärkyä. Kukkavarsi jäi nysäksi ja kukka on puserruksissa lehtien välissä. Löysin kaksi ohjetta, joita voisin yrittää noudattaa:

"Where plants flower on short stalks and the blooms are hidden by foliage, the cause is likely to be an insufficient cool period over the winter. During the winter period keep plants at a temperature of 10°C"

"Fertilizer. My clivia generally blooms in January sometime, so I start fertilizing with a weak solution of 20-20-20 in December. Presto! A lovely stalk of tangerine-colored flowers. I haven't had the problem since."

"To induce a mature clivia plant to flower, the growth cycle must be interrupted. It is usually advisable to stop watering the plant at this time. The plant must be exposed to cool temperatures for the equivalent of about 25 to 30 days and nights. The temperatures should be kept between 55°F (13°C) and 34°F (1°C) during this period. Do not expose the plant to freezing temperatures (32°F or 0°C) at any time."

Tämän linkin takana tarinaa kliivioistani.

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